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Competitor Profile: Len Parker

TT Career Summary

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Len Parker, born 30th September 1904 was one of the riders to take part in the first Manx Amateur Road Race Championship Race in 1923. [Shorted to Amateur TT and later to become the Manx Grand Prix in 1930.]

Len only managed to get as far as the bottom of Bray, before a puncture forced him ro retire.

Even so, he talent had been noticed and he was taken on by Douglas motors and took part in nine TTs. he only finished one. that was in the 1925 sidecar event, which he won in 2hrs 44 mins at an average speed of 55.22 mph. That was the last sidecar event pre1939 war his passenger was Mr Ken Horstman of Horstman Clock and Gear Co., Newbridge Bath.

Len Parkerwent on to win many grass track events andspeedway triumphs on Douglas bikes, these were supreme until the JAP engined machines came along. It is understood he had the throttle cable fixed in two positions nil or flat out.

After the war he started doing hill climbs in a Brough SS100 ,an old Allard then a new one which he crashed and fractured his skull .

He had FTD at Shelsy Walsh at one meeting.Following his accident he built various specials for reliability trials.

His son Rodney used to be enrolled as passanger not much more comfortable but accortding to Rodney, now a Doctor, a bloody site safer than a sidecar !

Len Parker attended the Diamond Jubilee celebrations of the Manx Grand Prix in 1983 he was the only living survivor of the riders which took part in the MARRC Race in 1923.

Thanks to Dr Rodney Parker for the above information.

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