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Countdown to TT 2025

MGP 1970 Junior Results

10Clive BrownAermacchi2.24.55.2  93.74 
20Nigel RollasonYamaha2.26.02.8  93.02 
30Roger SutcliffeAermacchi2.26.09.0  92.95 
40John ThorntonMularney Special2.31.51.8  89.46 
50Steve MoynihanNorton2.32.28.8  89.1 
60David L ThomasKawasaki2.32.47.4  88.91 
70Chris F BloyceNorton2.33.17.4  88.62 
80Ken HuggettAermacchi2.34.06.2  88.15 
90D HarrisonAermacchi2.34.18.6  88.04 
100Chris DM GriffithsCowles AJS2.34.43.2  87.8 
110Roger BowlerNorton2.34.50.0  87.73 
120Thomas J GoodfellowDearden Norton2.35.37.0  87.29 
130Henry McEwanAermacchi2.35.37.4  87.28 
140Roger NichollsAJS2.36.16.4  86.93 
150Robert I BentleyAermacchi2.36.52.0  86.6 
160Gerard FultonGF Special2.37.14.0  86.39 
170Peter CaseyCowles Aermacchi2.37.25.8  86.29 
180T Neil KellyOrpin Special2.38.05.4  85.93 
190Trevor C ParkerAermacchi2.38.11.0  85.88 
200John DuffyNorton2.38.11.4  85.87 
210George M ShortAJS2.38.31.8  85.7 
220Peter T KellyAJS2.38.39.6  85.62 
230Brian E PenfoldAJS2.39.10.2  85.34 
240David A PearcePetty Norton2.39.19.8  85.26 
250Keith BrownAermacchi 
260Roger F HaddockAJS 
270Roger NottBultaco 
280Ron ShewinAJS 
290David L LittlerYamaha 
300Eric R SunderlandAermacchi 
310Simon D ScanesBSA / Norton 
320Mealdwyn K HarperYamaha 
330Ronald W BryantVelocette 
340Bernard NobleNorton 
350Alan E JacksonAermacchi 
360Graham V RobertsAJS 
370Kenneth NansonAJS 
380John Kevin CowleyNorton 
390Paul R HarrisAermacchi 
400Ian A ForrestAermacchi 
410Dennis R DuckworthAJS 
420Peter DicksonNorton 
430John HammondAermacchi 
440Alfred M WarnerAermacchi 
450Ken InwoodNorton 
460Robert S PailsAermacchi 
470John LoganJDLS Bridgestone 
480Derek G OlderNorton 
490Robert M WilsonNorton - BSA 
DNF0John A BayleyAJS 
DNF0Richard BilsborrowAermacchi 
DNF0Michael R BirdAJS 
DNF0Brian CammackDucati 
DNF0George W CantNorton 
DNF0Chris M ClarkeAJS 
DNF0Roger CocksDucati 
DNF0Chris W CurtisAermacchi 
DNF0Graham DixonAermacchi 
DNF0Pete ElmoreSeeley 
DNF0John P FabenAermacchi 
DNF0William T GibsonAermacchi 
DNF0Eric P GlasperDucati 
DNF0George A GreenAermacchi 
DNF0Ralph A GrewBridgestone 
DNF0James HeathNorton 
DNF0Jack HighamNorton 
DNF0Maurice S HodgesNorton 
DNF0David HughesAJS 
DNF0Eric J KirkAJS 
DNF0Edward GA KnightAermacchi 
DNF0John MillerAermacchi 
DNF0Bill MilneCowles AJS 
DNF0Gordon PantallPadgett Yamaha 
DNF0Laurie DS ParsonsAJS 
DNF0Alan A PorterAJS 
DNF0Mick PoxonNorton 
DNF0Neil RavenscroftAermacchi 
DNF0John T RiggNorton 
DNF0Anthony B RodgerAermacchi 
DNF0Danny ShimminAermacchi 
DNF0Thomas F ShorttDrixton 
DNF0David J StreetGreeves 
DNF0Jack TrusthamNorton 
DNF0Thomas HK TurnerNorton 
DNF0Brian WarburtonYamaha 
DNF0Peter D WelfareHonda 
DNF0David H WilliamsCowles Aermacchi 
DNF0Nick WinterAermacchi Metisse 
DNF0Victor J WrightGreeves