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Meetings 1907 - 1930

TT 1921

The 1921 races featured an entry of 133 riders, with no fewer than 12 works teams contesting the Senior, and Howard Davies wrote himself into TT folklore by becoming the first and - so far - the only rider to win the race on a Junior machine.

Davies and his single-cylinder AJS almost made it a double, only a puncture preventing him from winning the five-lap Junior. Eric Williams took over to win from Davies, who could draw some comfort from a new Junior lap record of 55.15 mph.

The six-lap Senior not only produced a historic victory, but also one of the truly great TT races.

The lead changed every lap, with Triumph-mounted Freddie Dixon, Alec Bennett, a Canadian ex-fighter pilot, and Freddy Edmond taking turns at the front. Davies, riding the Junior AJS, always looked threatening in second place and, with one lap remaining, he took the lead.

Bennett and his Sunbeam were the only combination that could threaten him in the last 373/4 miles, but they dropped back and the little AJS roared across the line with a 21/4-minute advantage. Freddie Dixon was second on his Indian, with Edmond establishing a new lap record of 56.40mph.